
Tendonitis (such as tennis elbow) is when a tendon swells up and becomes painful after a tendon injury.

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A bit about tendonitis..

There are tendons all over your body. They connect your muscles to bones, for example in your knees, elbows and shoulders.

The main symptoms of tendonitis are:

  • pain in a tendon (for example, in your knee, elbow or shoulder) that gets worse when you move
  • difficulty moving the tendon
  • feeling a grating or crackling sensation when you move the tendon
  • swelling, sometimes with heat or redness
  • a lump along the tendon

There are many different types of tendonitis, depending on which area of the body is affected.

What can cause tendonitis?

Tendonitis is most often caused by sudden, sharp movements or repetitive exercise, such as running, jumping or throwing.

To help reduce your risk of tendon injuries:


  • warm up before exercising and stretch afterwards
  • wear suitable shoes for exercise
  • take regular breaks from repetitive exercises


  • do not overexercise tired muscles
  • do not start a new sport without some training or practise
  • do not stick to the same repetitive exercises

Specialist treatment and prevention of tendonitis...

Your doctor may prescribe a stronger painkiller or cream or gel to bring down the swelling.

If your injury is severe or lasts a long time, you may be offered physiotherapy. You can also choose to book appointments privately.

You may be referred to hospital for a scan if your doctor thinks you could have another injury, such as a broken bone.

Some people with long-term or severe tendonitis may be offered:

  • steroid injections – which may provide short-term pain relief
  • surgery – to remove damaged tissue or repair a ruptured tendon
  • shockwave therapy – which may help speed up healing
  • platelet rich plasma injections (PRP) – which may help speed up healing

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