Photo of Biomechanical Check up

Biomechanical Check up

A set of biomechanical tests and examinations that provide an overview of the current state of health of your musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments etc)

For a healthier tomorrow, manage your health today

  • A 3600 degree view of your biomechanical health
  • 53 measures and tests across the areas of posture, movement, balance, and strength
  • A full written report of your scores, with indications where action is suggested
  • A baseline against which future health can be measured

Gold standard Health Checks, delivered by expert Physiotherapists

A Biomechanical Check Up is more than just some tests. It's the start of a journey towards healthier living and a happier life.

We run you through a set of tests and examinations that give an overview of the current health of your musculoskeletal system. You might choose to have a Check Up because of a specific injury or concern, or you’d like support to improve your health.

A comprehensive range of measures and test, designed to check all elements of your biomechanics

We use our biomechanical expertise along with industry leading diagnostic technology to build a clear picture of your body's current health, and identify potential future risks. After your Check Up, we’ll give you a full breakdown of your results, as well as guidance and support to help you become healthier today and in the future.

How does it work?


We'll collect your key health statistics such as Body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and Peak expiratory flow, as well as ask some basic lifestyle questions around exercise and diet.

3D motion capture and analysis

Using the world's first 3D motion capture and analysis system, we'll run a full analysis of your posture, movement and musculoskeletal system.

dynamic Footscan®

Using dynamic Footscan® technology with biomechanical measurements and kinematic patterns, your specialist will analyse the way you stand and walk, allowing us to make an objective assessment on how you body is currently balanced.

Muscle strength and imbalance

We use industry leading technology that combines advanced sensors with real-time results and analytics to run a series of tests for muscle strength and imbalance across all the major muscle groups from your head to your feet. We can use the results to prescribe and perform isometric training to help correct any imbalances.

Report of findings & action plan

At the end of your Biomechanical Check Up, you will have time to sit with your specialist and discuss your results one step at a time, and take the time to discuss any areas that are found to require action. The session will also include a recommended plan to tackle any adverse findings.

Award-winning, quality assured healthcare

Our Physiotherapists are are all registered with the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC) and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

The Medical is also accredited by all major insurance providers.

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