Has foot pain been getting you down? It can be tough to deal with issues that impact your feet. You may simply decide to bury your head in the sand, but this is the worst thing you can do!
In this guide, we will reveal the common causes of heel pain and foot pain. But first, let’s explain why this is something you should never ignore.

- Pain indicates there is a problem
- You can find an effective solution if you don’t ignore the pain
- Early treatment can stop further issues later down the line.
- You could be doing things that are making the issue worse without realising
- Foot disability is a real possibility without action.
- You could end up in excruciating pain if the issue gets worse.
- There are many causes of foot pain
- Many foot issues cannot go away without treatment.
- You could find yourself on bed rest for a long time if you don’t act quickly.
- Long-term foot problems can cause depression and mental health problems.
- A foot specialist will tell you the right exercises to follow.
- A specialist could put your mind at ease
- Some treatments aren’t overnight; they require numerous sessions, so the sooner you start, the better
- One problem could cause another if not treated
- You will receive medication to reduce pain.
How do I know if my foot pain is serious?
All foot pain is not serious. If you have swelling or severe, shooting pains that cannot be adequately relieved by rest then seeing a physiotherapist should definitely be on your list of priorities when looking for treatment options! Similarly to wounds which show signs infection like tenderness and warmth (but without redness) may also need attention from the podiatrist - just in case any issues arise during healing time.
What are the different types of foot pain?
There are many types of foot pain, including:
- Heel spur
- Morton Neuroma
- Plantar fascia
- Ingrown toenails
- Achilles tendon injury
- Bunions
- Athlete’s foot
- Neuropathy
- People with diabetes
- Nerve damage
What is plantar fasciitis?

Pain in the arch, heel and bottom of the foot is a degenerative condition known as plantar fasciitis. This thick band of tissue at the base is inflamed by excessive use, which causes inflammation around it and causes pain when walking or standing for a long period of time without rest.
It can also affect how you move by limiting the extension of your ankle, which means you can't walk more than short distances without feeling intense, sharp shooting pain throughout your leg.
How long does Plantar fasciitis last?
With six months (or less) of treatment with non-surgical methods, people with plantar fasciitis will recover 97 per cent of the time. Non-surgical treatments include physiotherapy, custom ortothics and exercises.
Does plantar fasciitis go away?
With the right treatment, plantar fasciitis goes away most of the time. You will need to rest your feet and stretch regularly to avoid it to not come back again. During treatment and for workout sessions, wear suitable shoes. Poor fitting shoes will not help
What can cause plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that can affect anyone between the ages of 40 and 60. It's especially prevalent for those who engage in activities like long-distance running, hiking, ballet dancing or aerobic dance; but it may not show up immediately, since there are other factors which contribute (such).
Flat feet due to an abnormal walking pattern also put extra stress on your plantar fascia, leading to this type of foot pain, because weight distribution changes when standing, causing more harm than good if you've got too much poundage! Finally, let me remind all overweight folks out here - being obese definitely doesn't help.
What aggravates plantar fasciitis?
Changing the intensity of your workouts, or if they are high impact, can trigger plantar fasciitis. Any sort of inflammation or irritation, typically caused by prolonged activity, can be an issue.
10 exercises for plantar fasciitis
- Marble pick-ups
- Towel scrunch
- Heel raises
- Arch lifts
- Tip toe walking
- Heel raises on the stairs
- Towel stretch
- Single leg standing
- Foot roller
- Toe stretch
What is the best doctor to identify foot pain or plantar fasciitis?
If you have foot pain, the best thing to do is book an appointment with a podiatrist or physiotherapist. A podiatrist is a foot specialist who will have all the treatment options you need, and can recommend the right shoes to wear and insoles, if needed.
What's the difference between a podiatrist and physiotherapist?
A podiatrist is an expert that focuses completely on the health of your feet. A physiotherapist, on the other hand, can help you if your injuries or pain impact more than one area of your body. A physiotherapist will use exercise and movement in treatment plans, focusing on supporting and strengthening any injured parts of your body.
How to tape your foot for foot pain
Many people will use KT tape to help with their foot pain. To apply the tape, sit and put your ankle in a cross over your knee. The bottom of your foot should be stretched comfortably. Put a piece of tape with no or little tension, from the ball of your foot all the way to the heel bone.
You can also continue around your heel, and then go up the back of your Achilles tendon if you wish, giving your foot and ankle support.
When should I be concerned about foot/heel pain?
You should contact a healthcare professional if you are experiencing pain that does not get better within a few weeks of pain relievers or rest. You also need to see a specialist if you have pain that makes movement or walking burdensome. Severe heel or foot swelling, stiffness, or inflammation are all reasons to get physical therapy help.
Can sciatica cause pain in the heel?

Yes, if something is irritating your sciatic nerve, you can get pain in your heel. Typically, when the cause of the sciatica is linked to a prolapsed disc or something higher up your spinal cord, you will also get symptoms in your leg and buttocks. The best thing to do is consult a physio specialist, though, so you can make sure the pain is actually related to sciatica, not something else.
How to deal with heel pain/foot pain
It is always advisable to consult a physiotherapist or podiatrist, because different types of foot pain require different approaches. Nevertheless, there are some things that will benefit all types of pain. This includes wearing shoes that fit correctly, taking over-the-counter pain medication, and resting as much as possible. You should also apply ice to your foot for around 15 minutes, two or three times per day.
If you've been suffering from foot pain or heel pain and are ready to talk to one of our physiotherapy or podiatry specialists, we can help. Contact us today to book an appointment and get your feet in the condition they deserve - so you can enjoy life again.